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Flyer Blast DC Multipes.jpg
Sample tile slide for the master Power Point used for each speaker.
A series of email blasts to an approved list of clients were used to promote
Speaker showcase workbook interior layout. Each speaker got a two-page spread.
Jeff Cross Promo Do It Best Product
Moes_Cross Promo 2 Up BOGO.jpg

(Far Left) Title slides from the Power Point Presentation.

(Above) samples of easy promo pieces used in a presentation for Do It Best and Moe's. Created in MS Word.  

Workbook cover printed in high quality full color and pefect bound. It was low cost way to offer a high quality suppor piece.

(Top Right) Sample of an interior page of the Showcase Workbook. Printed b/w. (Above) The cover design I created than delegated final camera-ready art.


Banner ad for speaker showcase.
Banner ad for speaker showcase

(Top) Email flyers sent to client data base. (Above) Banner ads used on client website. 

Morris Postcard Proof-1.jpg

This large postcard was created on the VistaPrint website. Full color front and b/w back. The addresses are uploaded to that sight and they do all the rest.  It was low-cost, low maintenance and effective. 

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